Christine Guillebaud / Standing out from the crowd – Vocal and sound techniques for catching peoples’ attention in an Indian bus stand

Document 1 : A morning at Saktan Tampuran Bus stand (Trichur, Kerala]. Video [04’53”]. Image: Christine Guillebaud, 2008.


Document 2 : The Lottery car. Saktan Tampuran Bus stand (Trichur, Kerala, India). Video [03.’16”], Image: Christine Guillebaud, 2008.


Document 3 : Successive stages of deceleration and reacceleration based on the lottery sound recording [01’21”].



Document 4 : Extract from a “Work Song” from Cinderella, Walt Disney. Video [01’21”].


Document 5 : Accelerated voice with “comic” effect followed by the “fast-forward” technique, experiment based on the lottery sound recording [00’47”].



Document 6 : Excerpt from a radio broadcast (France Info).


Document 7 : Parisian Tram announcement (Line 3b). “Ella Fitzgerald—Grands Moulins de Pantin” Station.